answer "What Do You Want To Print?" with "Cancel" or "Scroll Bar" or "Card"
if it is "Card" then
doMenu "Print Card"
end if
if it is "Scroll Bar" then
put card field id 130 into PrintThis
visual barn door open to card
go to card "Print Card"
put PrintThis into card field id 1
end if
if it is "Cancel" then
put "Cancel" into it
end if
end mouseUp
-- part contents for card part 129
----- text -----
Apple II
-- part contents for card part 130
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To use the AppleCD SC with the Apple II, an Apple II SCSI card is required. ONLY SCSI cards Rev C or later are designed to work with the AppleCD SC. Before installing the SCSI card verify that the Rev C (or later) designation appears on a label on the outside of the SCSI card box and on a label on the SCSI card ROM— the large chip located in the center of the top row on the SCSI card.
The number of SCSI devices that can be connected to the SCSI card is determined by two factors:
• the operating system
• card placement
If the card is installed in slot 5 and the operating system is ProDos, as many as four (4) SCSI devices are supported. If the SCSI card is installed in any of the other slots or the operating system is something other than ProDos, only two (2) SCSI devices are supported.
The following instructions assume that the appropriate SCSI card has already been installed in the Apple II. Refer to the Apple II SCSI Card Owner's Guide for information on installation and using the SCSI card.
If a SCSI device is currently connected to the card, proceed with the first three steps to make sure that the first SCSI device has been correctly connected, then connect the AppleCD SC according to the instructions beginning with step four.
1. Make sure the Apple II
and AppleCD SC are
plugged in and turned off.
Plug the devices into three-
prong grounded AC
power outlets.
2. Touch any of the metal
connectors on the back of the
computer. This will
discharge any static
electricity that may be on
your clothes or body.
3. Attach the system cable
to the SCSI port on your
computer and tighten the
thumbscrews on the
Click the arrow below to continue.
-- part contents for card part 142
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These instructions describe how to install the CD Remote desk accessory on an Apple II computer.
Copy the file “CD.REMOTE” from your working copy of the Apple II CD Setup Disk to the “DESK.ACCS” folder on the startup disk.